Tuesday, November 13, 2012


    No doubt I complained about the exact same thing in the exact same words a year ago, but you would think that houses would have built-in humidifiers and dehumidifiers. (I mean BESIDES windows. Smart alecks.) The heat invariably dries the indoor air out, and one can't seem to drink enough water to keep up no matter how tolerant one is to running off to the bathroom every few minutes. It isn't any problem for me. Whenever I start getting shocked when trying to pet the kitty, I figure it's time to start running the humidifier and do so.
    However, for older folks, especially if their mobility is compromised, this can get to be a serious problem. Moreover, they tend to feel the cold more and so keep the thermostat set higher, thus making the air dry out even faster. Margaret just went to the emergency room the other day due to vertigo which cleared up when she received IV fluids. I don't know anything else you could call this but dehydration. Now I can get her a humidifier and then go over a few minutes early when I'm picking up Dad for dialysis and fill it up for her, and that would help. But it just seems that it would be so much more sensible to have automatic systems for this. Of course, one might risk Legionella, and maybe that's the reason why not. Still, it seems a shame.

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