Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Puzzled in my sleep again

    Last night, I dreamed that an acquaintance, well, a friend but one who has moved away, had sent me a very unusual Christmas present. It was a will, a last will and testament to be clear, from 1977 from someone with no connection to either of us, but which he had somehow made out to me. It was a very weird will, almost like it was in a dream or something. There was nothing about property or heirs or assignees. It was more like a stream of consciousness novel. The will and another gift of a more ordinary nature (but which I can't remember any details about) were just lying in the yard of an imaginary house I was living in with a number of imaginary people and one real person I know. On the whole, a very peculiar dream and probably the 300th time in the two years of this blog that I've had one so odd as to wake me up. I wonder what dream books say about "dreams about wills from 1977"?

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