Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I'm in love with the DMV

    OK, I'm not, but I live to string these sentences together that have never been said or even thought before. However, dealing with the DMV at least in this here state is no longer the nightmare (or as we say, "noughtmar") that it used to be. In fact, it was damned close to fun. My brother ran into a problem with his license tag sticker. As he isn't physically in the state at the moment, he was pretty stressed out about it. It turned out to be child's play to straighten out, whereas the last time I had a problem to take to that agency (on my OWN car) it required jumping through hoops backwards with my hair on fire. And singing the Marseillaise. While juggling. So I gotta say, way to go DMV! Keep up the good work!


  1. Interesting, the idea of blog as venue for manifesting a novel...I use the "draft" feature on my email...and by the way, I have hard copy of (most of) the EARLY emails we exchanged, back in the day when AOL was groovy and mostly monopolistic (?). Anyway, had fun perusing your blog and my last trip to the DMV was similarly surprisingly pleasant. Signed the Adverb and Ad-disordered Devon J.
