Thursday, May 2, 2013

Dessert plotting

    This is an extension of the baking mix post from the other day. As pizza crust, (Aldi's imitation of) Bisquick gluten-free baking mix was VERY interesting. In some ways, it was very interesting in the good way. Mostly, though, it was pretty odd.
    For one thing, following the directions yields a dough that was a lot more like pudding than any pizza dough I've ever encountered. It probably would have been very entertaining to throw it in the air like they do in the fancy places, but since I would also be the one cleaning it up, the entertainment value probably wouldn't have lasted too long.
    However, this wouldn't be a problem if it made brilliant pizza dough. And I don't know that it didn't; maybe it just takes a period of adjustment. The main thing is that it seemed very sweet, especially considering that it didn't contain loads of sugar. It does contain more than Bob's Red Mill (gluten free) and Martha White (non GF), but not tons more.
    Still, the flavor is more like sweet southern cornbread, even though the only corn ingredient is corn starch, and not much of that either. Go figure, huh? Regardless, the net result is more like a pancake as pizza dough instead of being biscuitish like the name would suggest. This of course was what I was wishing for; this teaches us perhaps to be careful what we wish for. Still, I think this could be all kinds of crazy-mad fun. I just can't figure out what kind of dessert pizza to make with it. Peach cobbler, a GF version of which I've wanted for years, kinda leaps to mind. Next problem: who do I get to eat it for me?:)


  1. I have used Pamela's gluten free pancake mix to make cobbler with for the last two summers and prefer it over any other flour as it has a crispier texture. Very good. I add an egg to make it rise more.

    1. Can't use it due to their inclusion of dairy. But I used to love their stuff.
