Monday, June 10, 2013

Hide that land line!

    I got a new smart phone today, though as it turned out it was unnecessary. I had the impression that the old cell phone would go away when its two-year contract ran out at some point this month, but this turned out not to be true. On the other hand, it had a Massachusetts phone number, so I never used it as a phone and thus carried around a dumb phone that I used for a phone and a smart phone that I used for a computer. Now, hopefully the new one will serve as both, and also have the dumb phone's number (some time in the next 24 hours or so). Problem is that there's supposed to be a free wi-fi hot spot and I can't so far find it. This would throw a gigantic monkey wrench in the works. But I've barely looked, nor have I read the manual. I'm sure I'll work it out.
    The really funny thing was when the woman helping me needed to call the head office to set up getting my old number reapplied to the new phone. She used a land line that was hidden in a drawer. I said I could see why they would want to hide the land line (them being in the business of selling cell phones and everything). I was pretty tickled about it anyway.

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