Thursday, March 17, 2016


    So, the Moody Blues show. First, dinner at the Good Life Cafe was great. Tamara liked my manicotti and I gave her the leftovers for lunch today, so yay! Telling the servers that we had a show to get to got us out the door in plenty of time. Although the Moodies didn't start quite on time, they were surprisingly close to it. Old pros, they are!
    We loved being on the floor in the fifth row towards the center except... we couldn't hear them well. It seems like the big speakers hanging above were projecting right over us and we were listening to the stage sound. They were very nice Marshall amps and all, but not that loud. If you've ever been to a rock concert in your life, you're familiar with the vibration running through your entire body and the ringing in your ears after. Nothing like that here. Operationally, what it meant was that it would have been a perfect show (since the Moodies were just absolutely flat great) if everybody had sat in their seats and listened attentively like it was an orchestra concert. But rock and roll fans don't do that.
    The people behind us sang along louder than Justin Hayward, yelled "MOODY BLUES!" frequently ("Very good! You know where you are! Here's a cookie.") and "ROCK AND ROLL FOREVER!!!" some 45 times. All of this would be normal rollicking rock show good times if it hadn't drowned out the actual band. After an hour, the Moodies took an intermission and wise Tamara went off to get us glasses of white wine so we wouldn't punch anyone. She also asked the people behind us if they were having trouble hearing the band, because we were. ("ROCK AND ROLL FOREVER!!!" he said.) One lady said she had hearing aids-- AND ear plugs. It's possible that they behaved better in the second part of the show; it's possible that the wine just kicked in. (We were dancing a bit during the boogie-woogie part of "Tuesday Afternoon" and earplug lady clapped me on the shoulder for some reason.) What's sure is that we won't be paying for another show at the Township Auditorium again. Or if we do, we won't bother to be down on the floor. I won tickets for the Jackson Browne show, postponed to late May. The noisy people also mentioned that they would be there, too. FOLKY SOLO FOREVER!!!

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