Saturday, June 2, 2012


    We were going to Sicilia. Who's we? Well that is the question. A brother and I, I think, though why he would call it Sicilia I don't know since none of us speak any Italian as far as I know. I think we were going to walk. Anyway, a trail to North Carolina was involved in the story somehow.
    I don't know if we ever got there. Suddenly I was in Los Angeles instead, in some kind of academic/ social work setting. Then I was riding about the countryside in a car. Fortunately it was a self-driving car, so I could sleep most of the time. Los Angelenos would be surprised to learn that their environs include grassy rolling hills populated by coyotes and sheep. It was the middle of the night, but bright as day. (Los Angelenos probably wouldn't be surprised about that.) I wanted to stop and photograph the wildlife, but the self-driving car wouldn't stop.
    I wound up back at the academic/ social work type place, but even though it was still the middle of the night, everybody was in a meeting, and everything was partitioned off. I think I wanted to know what was up with all the sheep; when did Los Angeles get moved to New Zealand? But there wasn't anybody to ask, so I took the self-driving car back to my hotel or youth hostel or whatever it was.

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