Wednesday, February 23, 2011

St. Valentine’s Dance

This is a poem I wrote just before Valentine's Day. Figured I ought to put it up while it's still February. I already put it up on Facebook; of course, the only person who read it there is also the only person reading it here, but at least you can see it all without clicking More, Rob. This would be a an eight-bar waltz if I were a more skilled prosodist or a more dedicated technician. But I kind of liked the way it came out, and so left it imperfect.

Valentine pioneered fame for its own sake
Nobody knows what he did, who he was
He could have given Kardashians lessons
Left them a relic on Bruce Jenner’s

Joyously, blessedly, tearfully, blearily
Digging it, grooving it, doing it, faking it.
Loving and lusting together forever
In the beginning the deed; the end is the

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