Sunday, February 20, 2011

You know you can't wait for an Adam Sandler remake of "The Shining"

    Oh c'mon! You know it'll be great. OK, it would be craptastic, but there's always something to be said for that. The main problem I see with any remake of "The Shining" at this late date is that "Heeeeere's Johnny!" isn't much of a payoff line any more. It's been about 20 years since Johnny was on TV, and I'm not sure the reference still works. I have a sense that even though it goes farther back in time, "June, I'm home!" might work better. (Now of course somebody will tell me which suspense movie used "June, I'm home!" This naturally is what IMDB is for.) Would it work with Adam Sandler? Well, maybe.
    To be honest, anyone with any scenery-chewing tendencies could handle the male lead in 'The Shining." The hard part is finding a female lead. (Or in a possible Sandler movie, a female lead who isn't Drew Barrymore, and resisting the temptation to move the whole shebang to Hawai'i. Not that there's anything wrong with Drew Barrymore. She just wouldn't be right.) Shelley Duvall was perfect. She just naturally looked scared. Hell, she looked scared as Olive Oyl. I don't know who among contemporary actresses could offer the same quality. Maybe Zooey Deschanel (if she's still contemporary; I just don't keep up).
    So I guess what I'm saying is that I could actually buy Adam Sandler in "The Shining." (Though considering how seldom I go out to movies, maybe "buy" isn't the ideal word.) The one sure thing: Rob Schneider plays the dead bartender. C'mon! It'll be great!

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