Wednesday, August 14, 2013


    I received a brilliant array of suggestions how to address Dad's swollen feet problem. I don't mean the medical problem, just the "how to get him something to put on his feet that will fit" problem. But the situation is complicated by the fact that his feet are plus-sized to begin with and are swollen several sizes beyond that. So although I followed up many suggestions, including trying Walmart, JC Penney, the diabetic shoe store and my own inspiration Bed Bath and Beyond, the best solution turned out to be Casual Male XL, the big and tall shop, and even they weren't good enough.
    He's getting by with bedroom slippers, but as it turns out, the biggest one anyone sells is XL which is equivalent to men's sizes 13 and 14 and he's a 14EEE (14W) even without the swelling. Casual Male had a slip-on shoe in 16W. It should have been great, but alas it just wouldn't go on. They also had Crocs, which only go up to 15. They're so wide though, that they might work, but I just wasn't confident enough to try.
    The medical problem is also a source of maximum frustration. I called his kidney doctor and eventually spoke to his nurse. She claimed that Dad had only authorized them to speak to Margaret about his care. She said I should call the dialysis facility and talk to the director of nursing. I of course have called and left a message and am waiting on Godot and her call back. I asked Dad please to call the doctor and authorize him to talk to me. He tried but all he managed was to leave a message that I want to talk to the doctor.
    However, at least I'm making little tiny slivers of progress, and at least I'm in there bashing my head against the problem. Unfortunately the best short-term solution was a pair of elderly beat up slippers that open up in front and close back with Velcro. Maybe those will also tip off the staff at the dialysis facility that "Hey, his feet are really swollen! Maybe we ought to do our jobs!" Maybe.
    The point of all this yammering was to thank all the great people for all their wonderful suggestions and support. Thanks ever so much! And, you know, to make a totally unsolicited and unpaid plug for Casual Male XL. If you have really big feet, it's definitely the first place to go!

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