Sunday, September 4, 2011

Whatta we dooooo?

    (Nothing serious, as I hope is obvious from the spelling.) Because of the Labor Day holiday, Dad has dialysis today (Sunday) instead of tomorrow. This seems more than a little crazy to me, but there you go. So this means that we visit tomorrow instead of today. Threw us for a loop totally. I'm still not sure I won't show up in front of Margaret's house at 12:30 just out of habit. Anyway, I'm free as a bird today, without even any cooking responsibilities, having gotten several days ahead already. Aaaand... nuthin' to do. Electrifying guy that I am, I'll probably just read all day.
    Dad was much more alert and awake yesterday. Apparently he had his physical therapy in the morning before we arrived. Margaret felt that he was much more nearly back to normal. (I spent much of the visit out trying to find him a better radio, since the USC game wasn't on TV and his radio could barely bring in a signal. But I couldn't find anything that would likely do any better. I hope he got by.) So good news, that!

1 comment:

  1. I remember that they did this for Xmas and /or new year's, but not for labor day. Different strokes for different dialysis comics...
