Monday, January 30, 2012

Second breakout attempt

    Dad is again (or still) saying that it's time to get out of the nursing home. I don't think my English skills are up to the task of conveying how I feel about this. On the one hand, the idea thrills me beyond words. I want so badly for him and Margaret to be able to live together and happily. On the other hand, they cannot grasp that two largely blind, mobility-impaired people are not going to be able to live independently, particularly as one of them has totally draining dialysis three times a week.
    I'm trying to persuade them first that they shouldn't be driving and that they can easily afford a ride service. (PS: They can.) Then that they need some kind of live-in help for meals, cleaning, etc. Or that maybe they'd both be happier in Assisted Living at this or another nursing home.
    It would be easy just to say, "Great! I get my life back!" and let them just get on with it. But then I'd be worrying about them 24 hours a day. I don't think they grasp that other people really care about them, and that their welfare matters to us. Anyway, I'm hoping to adjust Dad's thinking such that he'll at least agree to a transition period, which he most desperately needs. Not too hopeful, but not hopeless either. Remembering what he was like in July, say, makes it easy to feel good about the situation. He may be infuriatingly stubborn, but he's all there. And that's just awesome.

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