Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Thinking about letting the crazy go

    For years now, I've been using bottled water, either purified or distilled, instead of tap. This isn't totally crazy; my tap water is chlorinated to the point that it smells like a pool. Still, I could use a filter on the tap. Actually, I do, but just for my humidifiers and for pasta. But but but... this morning when I changed out the bigger humidifier, the remaining water again smelled like a pool. Of course, I haven't changed the filter on the tap in a year. That just might have a bearing.:)
    Point is, would I rather have fluoride and chlorine (or flourine and chloride) in my water, or PVC? Answer? Neither! I guess the brilliant move is to buy a glass pitcher and a distilling set. Or, you know, quit worrying about it and just go back to drinking tap water. In other words, let the crazy go. But who knows? Maybe it isn't all that crazy.

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