Monday, December 10, 2012


    When I was little and only wrote by hand, I had a big problem with starting to write one word when I meant another. Then when I moved on to typing and keyboarding (so THAT'S what it's called!), I would do the exact same thing. There are untold numbers of examples, but alas they never come to mind unless they happen. The only one I always remember is the only one I ALWAYS do, which is typing "your" in place of the second word in "New York." (Not kidding. I just. did it. again!)
    What tickles me about this is that in the few situations in life where I haven't painfully murdered Autofill-- I'm sorry, in those situations where I take advantage of the technological marvel that is Autofill, it often suggests the same words that my brain has been auto-suggesting for all these years. I would guess that both phenomena have the same cause; one word is more common and thus more frequently typed than the other. But I still think it's funny. Also that Otto Phil Something would be a good penname.

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