Monday, December 31, 2012

Hall of Fame gag

    I wrote this joke, of which I am very fond and which I posted to practically universal lack of interest on Facebook this morning. I'll post it here in a minute with no doubt similar results. But the joke itself isn't the point. We are not going to talk about how long it took me to write this modest joke; instead we're going to blog about it.
    For months now, I've wanted to do a joke about the Passive-Aggressive Hall of Fame. The problem with me as a gag writer is that my mind is almost totally literal. It's a thing of amazement to me that I ever come out with anything funny at all. Usually the only way anything funny drops out is as a result of perpetual wordplay. I just keep messing with words until something makes me laugh. But the P-A H of F struck me as an inherently funny idea, and I really thought there was a joke in there. It was finding it that was the hard part.
    The literal part of my mind wanted to make a joke about an actual P-A H of F, as in a building. And there is no particular difficulty with coming up a joke about how such a building would be built already but for (insert your favorite p-a cliche here). The stumbling block was the setup; who in hell would be building a Passive-Aggressive Hall of Fame? I mean, "I was going to start a Procrastinators' Club, but I never got around to it" works, but the hall of fame is maybe a little too ambitious. Too much backstory needed or something.
    So after months, last night this popped into my head: "I'd already be in the Passive-Aggressive Hall of Fame if some people would just nominate me." The killer joke? No. Going to make me famous? Not likely. But I like it.

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