Friday, December 30, 2011

B12 and coping skills

    (Or lack of same and lack of same.) So as I've mentioned here and there, though maybe not on this blog, I recently discovered that Aldi changed their spice supplier at some point this year and their spice labels now read "may contain wheat, soy or milk." I learned a valuable lesson about trusting corporations. Don't. Ever. So when I noticed that my cinnamon (eaten every day) and cumin (every third day, say, on average) were most likely contaminated, I threw them out and bought McCormick's. McCormick's is much-admired in the celiac community for never putting gluten in any of their single-spice packages.
    And it was like 2007 all over again. Clinical depression went away. Suicide watch was lifted. Good cheer returned. Problems start looking like challenges to be confronted and solved rather than roadblocks to be avoided. Granted, there are a lot of problems, some scarier than ever. But I can see being able to handle them, or anyway to laugh at them. I've mentioned but I'll mention again that the chief problem I have from celiac sprue is that I can't get enough vitamin B12, which leads to all this nervousness and crippling depression.
    I'm not quite out of the woods yet. I'm taking B and C supplements to get my B12 levels up quickly. But I'm returning to the point where I can remember that this is the Johnocentric universe and I'm John; things have a way of working out.

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