Friday, February 15, 2013


    No, it isn't Barry Bonds' adjusted home run total. It's how many days there are in two years, assuming that one of the two is a leap year. As it's also the number of consecutive daily blog entries that I reach with this one, apparently my blog is now two years old. Now at least there's an excuse for it being terrible.
    One doesn't want to blog about the weather two often, even on anniversaries that offer a ready-made excuse for mailing one in. However, today is as beautiful a day as can be imagined, with highs in the mid-60s. Tomorrow, on the other hand is expected to be cold and nasty; the payoff is that some weather forecasters are claiming that there will be snow. And no doubt, somewhere there will be. I would welcome a total strikeout by the forecasters and a complete rerun of today. Hey! It could happen!

1 comment:

  1. Snow! Can you imagine? Congrats on your 2nd year in print here. Good read always.
