Saturday, February 23, 2013

French bread jigsaw

    Pleasantly odd day I have going on here. Some weeks ago, the guy in the other half of this house asked me to get his mail and newspaper for a few days. I said no problem and did so. In gratitude, he gave me a $10 gift card to Whole Foods. This gesture was wholly unnecessary but richly appreciated. I went to Whole Foods and found (and bought) an item I never saw before, Ian's gluten-free dairy-free soy-free French bread pizzas. Today, I finally tried one-- and found I was terrified! I knew perfectly well that it was GF DF SF; moreover, I knew perfectly well that I had eaten all that stuff for upwards of 45 years and none of it had killed me. Apparently, I've built up quite a neurosis about breads and pizzas and anything that looks like wheat. I got over it. Ate one, enjoyed it, survived. Yay!
    Meanwhile, I don't know if I've mentioned it but I've been developing a terrifying virtual jigsaw puzzle addiction. I found a free app on the iPad that started the ball rolling. When I gave the iPad back to Anne, I hunted down a free program for Windows, which I'm if anything even more hooked on. It's supposed to offer a new free puzzle every Friday, but it seems that they quit updating. However, what it also offers is the opportunity to make your own puzzle from your own picture. And I've got a LOT of pictures. So far the cat and Congaree Swamp have become puzzles. The cat feels that she should be played with in the more conventional way; I don't know what Congaree Swamp feels about the matter.
    Back to dreamland (you thought I'd quit reporting my dreams, didn't you? Ha!), I learned last night that the woman of my dreams wears glasses. That's literally (i.e., the woman in my dreams DID wear glasses), not necessarily figuratively. The previous night, I was briefly Cary Grant; then I was just a smart-ass observing that Cary Grant should take off his Cary Grant makeoff (which in the dream apparently included a good part of his skull) and only reveal later in the movie that he's in fact Cary Grant. Hell, even in my dreams I can't stay Cary Grant for long!

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