Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Different day!

    So I can be mistaken! The nephrologists actually noticed that clotting at the access (what they call the fistula that is the access point for dialysis) three times in a month is sort of excessive, and might require a different approach. So instead of doing the same thing that had caused great stress twice already this year without actually, you know, working, they switched to a simpler approach. They just put a catheter on his jugular vein. This didn't require any sedation, so he didn't have any aftereffects or weakness. Also, his labs were OK and anyway you aren't supposed to use a catheter for dialysis the first day, so he was excused from having to go to dialysis to make up for missing yesterday's session. We felt like kids let out of school early.
    Also, we didn't have to wait 3 hours before they started doing anything, either. The whole deal took less than two hours. Now, it's not like this is the end. He still has to see a surgeon and get a new access installed. This will probably entail a short hospital stay some time in the coming weeks or maybe months. But hey; at least we're having a good day today!

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