Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Heaven, one bite at a time

    My portable baklava has transmogrified again, this time to mini-muffins. I wanted to add coconut, but adding enough such that anybody could taste it made for an unpleasantly chaotic trail mix and unpleasantly greasy fingers. So I added an egg and tried to make cookies, but too much stuck to the aluminum foil. Thus mini-muffins. Otherwise, the recipe is exactly the same. OK, end of blog post; have a nice day!
    Or maybe not. It's kind of hard to write this recipe, since what I do is completely insane. What I wanted was brown rice flour, which nobody sells. This is because the difference between white and brown rice is the bran. So if you want brown rice flour, you buy white rice flour and rice bran and blend the two. However, I still have all that puffed brown rice I need to use up anyway, so what I did was put a cup thereof in a freezer bag and beat hell out of it. A lot of people think that the strongest substance on Earth is spider silk, but I'm pretty sure it's puffed brown rice. I use a sauce pan for the beating, flipping the bag over now and again. It isn't necessary (nor possible) to make flour or meal; just pulverize as much as you can.
    Preheat oven to 325 degrees. The coconut is a pain, since I use frozen. It doesn't exactly like being measured. However, I aim for about two tablespoons worth. I set it out on a saucer on the rear right burner, which in my house gets quite warm as the oven is preheating. If yours doesn't, you can always put it in the oven for 5 minutes or so.
    As before, get out a large mixing bowl and add a tablespoon of EV olive oil, two of clover honey, another of oil, another two of honey. Add a teaspoon of cocoa and a teaspoon of vanilla. Mix like crazy. Crack and scramble an egg and add. Mix even crazier. Add your ricemeal and mix the craziest still. Add a quarter of a cup of raw sunflower seed meats and three-quarters of a cup of chopped pecans and your hopefully-defrosted coconut. Mix to your heart's content.
    Publix has non-stick mini-muffin tins and also the paper liners. Between the honey and the egg, this stuff is super-sticky. Also, the muffin tins feature a warning not to use anything metal on them. I just had no confidence that I could get the muffins out without a knife or something, so I used paper liners and they worked very well. Might be overkill. The recipe above made an even 12, coincidentally the number of cups in the mini-muffin tin. Magic!
    Spoon out your mixture into the paper liners in your mini-muffin tin. Cook for 25 minutes. (See Edit below.) Take out and let cool for at least 10 minutes. Enjoy heaven in the form of ricemeal pecan joy mini-muffins, one bite at a time.
     Edit: When I did this the first time, I baked for 20 minutes at 350 and when I brought the pan out, the cupcakes looked undercooked. So I put them back in for another five minutes with the oven still hot but the heat turned off and they turned out perfect. When I tried it the second time but baking for 25 minutes, they came out just a tad overcooked. I settled on 23 minutes at 350, but since have been happier baking for 25 minutes at 325. Pretty sure that the egg is completely cooked at that temperature. Anyway, nobody died. Well; nobody important.:)
    Eventually, I remembered that between the cocoa, the coconut and the pecans, I've pretty much synthesized German chocolate cake frosting, at least how it was done in our house. Thus the new name for the mini-muffins (or cupcakes) is German Chocolate Ricing. Huzzah!


  1. I am a big fan of your writing, and of the baklava

  2. Thanks doubly! But if you're not ackayaker (one of my followers), who is?
