Sunday, November 20, 2011

Where's the river?

    Back in the '80s, I had the pleasure of traveling in Europe now and again, creating many happy memories, and one weird one. When I reached Valencia, in Spain, it struck me as a very nice city, except for one thing: the river was missing. There was a broad flat area running linearly through town with bridges over it and everything, but no water. I keep thinking that I must have asked many people, "Where the hell is the river?" but if I did, they must have been fellow tourists who knew no more than I did. Because if I had asked any natives, they would have without doubt cleared it up directly.
    If you want to know the solution to the mystery, do an image search of Valencia, Spain, which I did a year or so ago to try to find the answer. And you will find that by the riverside, or oftener in the river, they built just a spectacular series of buildings, pretty much Europe's answer to Sydney, Australia. I know that I could just throw in some links to pictures, but as they wouldn't belong to me, I wouldn't feel comfortable. If I ever get a scanner, I'll put up my pictures of riverless Valencia. They're pretty cool, too. And now I want to go back.

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