Sunday, April 22, 2012

Driving at night

    Other night I wasn't falling asleep. I wasn't tossing and turning either, but I wasn't falling asleep. Just for the heck of it, I tried to visualize going for a drive. As I'm probably the least visual person living (not counting people born blind), it took up a lot of my mind and was still very hard. Possibly because it took up so much of my mind, pretty shortly I was asleep. I don't know if this is because I'm very weird or very normal. I guess it isn't so much different than the traditional approach of counting sheep. That never worked for me, possibly because I never tried to visualize them. Maybe I'll try that next time. Anyway, if you can't sleep, try taking a drive in your head; maybe it'll put you to sleep, too. Gotta go; I'm sleepy!


  1. So I listened to 8 different versions of "Love Is The Answer". None were the song of my dreams, which I had pretty well forgotten after listening to 8 others, beyond the fact of my just immediately forgetting my dreams. The millions, the fame, all gone!! Oh well, where can I get a cheap tape recorder?

  2. You would think that either Susan Tedeschi or Derek Trucks would have a website complete with discussion forum where you could ask somebody.
