Monday, April 2, 2012

Drum circle

    Somewhere along the line, some time in the last 20 years or so, there was a bestselling book called "Iron John" and a men's movement that grew out of it, complete with men going off into the woods to beat on drums. And then the next trend came along and that was it for the mighty drum circle movement. I don't know if anyone got their consciousness noticeably raised or not.
    I was thinking that a better kind of drum circle would be to have one as an exercise class. Of course, I'm largely thinking of really kinetic drummers like Keith Moon or Mick Fleetwood; a lot of drummers move about as much as an accountant. And even Moonie had gained a lot of weight at the end. Still, moving all four limbs at the same time is more exercise than most of us get most of the time, and it would be crazy mad fun.
    I rely of course on technical advances that I'm not absolutely sure have happened. You would need drum kits that are largely synthesized and channel most of the sound into headsets you could wear. (Or it would be a REALLY loud exercise class.) But I think it would be a tremendous blast. There's no need to limit it to men, though most of the people I know who like generating random noise at great volume are from my gender. I want to do it. Even if I'm not Iron John.

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