Friday, April 27, 2012

Lawn chairs

    However much it might appear to be the case, I am not being eccentric just to be eccentric, or at least I don't think I am. But well might one wonder. For some time now, I've been seeing these lawn chairs in assorted discount stores called stackable slingback chairs. Eventually, I decided that a couple might fit in with my needs (ie, something people can sit on that the cat would have difficulty destroying). But everywhere, the price was somewhere around $25 each, which seemed a little steep for something I was planning to sit in a corner until that distant day when I might have guests.
    Finally Aldi had stackable slingback chairs, and they were $15 each. So I went for them. Problem came in when it turned out that they're bigger than they look. First, it was a challenge getting them home in the Camry. Then it turned out that they were higher than the window sill. (I wanted them next to the window so Amelia could climb to the sill on them, but I'm not sure it would be comfortable for her.) So just for a lark, I tried them out as dining chairs. I love 'em! So in a completely not self-consciously eccentric move, I'm using lawn chairs as my dining chairs. Amelia claws at them a bit, but so far hasn't done any damage. If she does, though, what do I care; they were $15!


  1. Living la vida loca!!! I do hope you get some guests. At least you try to put yourself out there.

  2. I think it's funny that nobody read this until I closed a stray parentheses. But then, I would.
