Monday, November 26, 2012

The electric kitty

    It's that time of the year again. For one glorious day (or so), the heat pump finally dries out my dank apartment and it's comfortable. Then we go right past comfortable to too dry. I've had a hygrometer (of sorts; it's from Kmart) for a year, so I know quantitatively, sort of, when to set up the humidifiers. But I don't really need it. Because when the kitty starts giving off shocks whenever I pet her, THAT'S the time to set up one or both humidifiers. I still think it would be better if humidifiers were built in, or failing that, if you could get a combined humidifier/dehumidifier. But I guess I'll cope.
    The hygrometer says that 40% humidity is Dry, but it still feels dank to me. But it's definitely getting towards Electric Kitty territory. So far, though, she is pettable without any associated shocks. (All info I've seen says the shocks don't hurt her, and they certainly don't seem to. She just jumps because I jump, as far as I can tell.)
    It has been suggested that I skip the humidifiers and instead turn out all the lights and watch the sparks come off the kitty. While I think this is a brilliant suggestion, it probably isn't workable. It just doesn't get that dark in here. Why do you think I sleep with a sleep mask?

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