Tuesday, January 15, 2013


    There are those second chances that you long for and there are those you don't want at all. I had dropped Dad off at dialysis, come home, heated lunch and just started eating when once again I got a call I didn't want a bit. His access had clotted again, so he wouldn't have dialysis and I needed to come get him. They made him another appointment at the nephrologists, this time for 9 tomorrow. Last time, as I may or may not have mentioned, it turned out that they had put a stent in his arm. That might be the problem or it might be totally unrelated.
    Regardless, we get to do it all over again for the second time in a couple of weeks. Hopefully, this time will fix the problem for good. Or maybe they can get him on a dosage of blood thinner such that he can stop clotting all the time without risk of not being able to stop bleeding at the end of dialysis (which was why they took him off blood thinners in the first place). So color me worried, but not overly so; primarily optimistic, but certainly concerned that this thing that only happened once before has now happened twice in a few weeks. Have I mentioned that I hate odd-numbered years?

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