Thursday, October 23, 2014

Progress, officially

    Dad is headed out of the ICUniverse, back to the 8th floor on his way back to Lowman Home. The leaving the IICU part happens later this evening; I think they're just trying to feed him first. Lowman Home might take a little while, or now. I don't think most places take admissions, even readmissions, on weekends. Also he's still sick. The Mucinex is not so making a lot of headway, although I guess there's some. As to brain activity, he still says he can't get the phone to work and can't understand why it works for everybody else. I imagine he just has a block. He's hoping there's a better phone in the new room.
    I absolutely can't get straight that it's still Thursday, but if you were puzzled by my reference to the weekend above, that isn't why I said that. He has dialysis again tomorrow, which will suck up most of the day, so Friday's forfeit. For us, it's pretty much already the weekend.
    I like the 8th floor; I like the stairs. I like running up... oh, about half of them. Although whether I run or walk, I always run out of steam at the same place, the 6th floor. Spirit willing; knees weak.

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