I, I just can't cope. A morning without Blogger! It was just too much to take. Somebody hand me a tissue! (Blogger was down this morning due to some kind of virtual septicemia, recently cleared up. Hopefully, we're all done now.)
We autism spectrum folks are noted for not being terribly good with facial recognition. We're especially poor at picking up facial expressions. My grasp of facial expressions runs from smiling to... not smiling. I can pretty much pick up the stink-eye, but after that, it's mostly a matter of bewilderment. I do a fairly good job of recognizing faces, however, though on average more people seem to recognize me than I them.
The one face I can't recognize is Amelia's. I like to think it isn't just me or just Asperger's. Perhaps people just aren't set up to remember animal faces as well as we're programmed to remember people faces. But this particular animal has been a gigantic part of my life for over 6 years. Also, she believes in being literally in my face just as much of the time as possible. Also, when she fails to be, she's also the wallpaper on my notebook computer. So you'd think I'd be able to remember her face, but I can't, not even a second after looking at her. Maybe I just suck at black and white. Often I think I'm just practicing to be blind. I go by voices.
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