Thursday, May 12, 2011

Fluent in kitty

    Amelia the monkey cat is very, very chatty, though she mainly confines such activity to when visitors aren't present. (As such, she represents my version of having voices in my head.) She says a lot of English words, or anyway three: Yes, No, and Hello. Unfortunately, she doesn't do so in any predictable way, so YouTube superstardom is relatively unlikely. Nor does she say them at any time that would suggest she knows their meaning (except for "Hello," which is always appropriate).
    The only word she says that seems to have a specific meaning unfortunately isn't in English. Also unfortunately, I don't understand it a bit. It sounds most like "ah-HEE-ya." She'll say it when I'm brushing her, or when she's following me around suggesting that we should play more kittyball. I'd guess it's just a way of saying she's charged up, something like "Wow!" I hope it means she's happy.
    The area of kittyese where I'm achieving fluency is her actual communications, mainly conveyed by looks. If she wants to jump on my lap, she'll look up. I look up (or nod up) too and she jumps up. When there's a kitty outside or a particularly obstreperous squirrel, I've learned to look intently out the window. Amelia will often come running if it doesn't interfere with her strenuous nap schedule. I used to try telling her to come look; that never worked. Maybe I'll learn to speak kitty yet.
    Update on yesterday's entry: Posted, went to Congaree NP, and EVERYbody I met greeted me with hi or hello. This here is one powerful blog; it's magic!

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