Sunday, October 9, 2011

Health care power of attorney

    Dad doesn't mind particularly, but notes that the nursing home much prefers to tell me what's going on rather than telling him. The extreme example was when they told me, but not him, that the bed sore on his sacrum (or posterior) had healed and that they were discontinuing treatment. Yes, folks, it's true that I have a health care power of attorney, but he's completely in possession of his marbles and can handle whatever news you might want to share. Also he's a DOCTOR. I will endeavor to convey this.
    In more cheerful news, I finally figured out what Amelia the cat is trying to say. It isn't "a-HEE-ya"; it's "IKEA." I'll be rich! She'll be advertising cat! This means that rather than the Norwegian forest cat I've always thought she is, clearly she's a Swedish one.

    In much, much sadder news, Margaret's son-in-law, Buddy Wages, died suddenly yesterday morning. He was under treatment for liver and lung cancer and they had just found out that it had spread to his brain, but everyone thought the outlook was good. He just stopped breathing. He was a wonderful husband, a wonderful father, and an all-around terrific fellow. He will be missed.

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