Monday, October 31, 2011

Out-dreamt myself

    I was God, or maybe Jesus. I was chatting with Moses. I had skipped school that day because a) I had important divine business to take care of (it was specified in the dream but I forget) and b) I hadn't done my homework. I was razzing Moses about him being 4,000 years old, and how he would phrase that in a personal ad. ("Just starting my 5th millennium...") My homework was something to do with him, too, but I can't remember what that was, either. Oh, and I was living in a supermarket. For once it was a wholly imaginary one, rather than the Colonial Store that used to be next to the KMart on Fort Jackson Blvd and which figures so prominently in my dreams most of the time.
    Generally, I find that these totally bizarro dreams mean that I need to use the bathroom, and that certainly was the case. But boffo, that was a pretty weird one. Maybe I ought to ease back on the curry buffets.


  1. It does seem like bizarre dreams are often strange food related. Lucky you no longer eat pizza!

  2. Sure I do! Granted, it's pizza-free pizza: no wheat, no dairy. But it's... pizzaish.
