Friday, October 14, 2011

Procedure II: This time with the procedure

    So yesterday morning, a couple of guys with a stretcher came to my dad's room and asked if he was ready for his doctor's appointment. He said that he didn't know anything about a doctor's appointment and asked them to check. They did and said that it was him all right so he went along. They took him to another branch of the company that does his dialysis where a doctor did a sonogram of his arm to make sure that his months ago (and still unnecessary) graft wasn't causing any problems. It wasn't, so there.
    Later, while I was visiting, a nurse's aide at the nursing home came in to tell him that he wasn't to bend the arm or use it much. As this was totally at variance with what the doctor had just told him, we treated the advice somewhat casually. After she was gone, he said (jokingly), "It's my arm and I'll use it how I please!" I'm always happy to see these little bursts of personality.
    Burying the lead: The facility wants to send Dad home as soon as next week. The first suggestion I heard was Sunday, though they seem to have backed off from that idea. While I'm thrilled beyond words that they feel that he's made this much progress, neither he nor I feel that he's anywhere near ready. I talked to the social worker today to convey that at the very least he needs some occupational therapy that actually has something to do with daily living (as against picking up a weighted stick, which is all the OT that I've seen there) and to be much stronger. Also, Margaret isn't ready for him to move in yet, as she's still rehabbing from her hip replacement. I don't know how I did at getting the message across, but it was worth a shot.
    Actually, the nurse just called me to say that they were going to try a stool softener for his chronic constipation. (Edit: there was a bit here that was gross and where I showed my ass by saying something that was completely wrong, or anyway out of date. I'll just leave it out and you can take my word for it that I'm willing to admit when I'm wrong.)

Edit: I called Rice Estate, where I've been trying to transfer Dad to practically since he arrived, and they actually have a bed available. So I called him and actually caught him before they took him to dialysis, and he thought it would be a good idea to move, too.  So I've started the process moving. The social worker at his present facility wanted me to meet with various top staff to air my grievances and try to have him stay but I pointed out that a) the bed at Rice Estate would hardly stay open long and b) they already said that he had met his full potential in terms of rehabilitation anyway. So he might be moving as soon as Monday. I think it's a semi-private room with no TV, so he may not be well-pleased. But it should be for only a matter of a few weeks. We'll see.

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