Sunday, October 23, 2011


    Friday evening, Margaret called and asked if I could take her to see Dad the next day (now yesterday). I said sure, that I would just need directions to Linda (her daughter)'s new house. They called yesterday with those and off I set. Turned out that because of interstatage (freewayage?) it took no longer to pick her up there and take her out to the hinterlands than it did to pick her up at her own house. So I felt silly about setting out a half hour early, but then they got an extra half hour together, so not that silly.
    They were very, very, very happy to see each other again. It was a truly great reunion. I think she cried more beforehand than at the actual event. (She had thanked me for bringing her; I assured her truthfully that I was delighted to be able to.) There was a certain degree of Family Guy type comedy regarding getting two walkers arranged such that they were within reach but not in anybody's way, but no problems. It was achingly, boundlessly sweet seeing them together again. They sat together on his bed for a good while, then he let her use his recliner. Then they of course fell asleep for much of the visit. But they were holding hands.
    Margaret doesn't think she'll be able to visit during the week, since she still has physical therapy herself for another week. But I'm taking her back today. I'm very much looking forward to it.
    I also set Dad's cell phone so that hitting any button, rather than just the Send button, will answer any incoming calls. That might solve his problem with missing calls. If not, we can always get him another phone. He has been able to call out at least.

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