Monday, June 25, 2012

Biggest memory

    This whole "Writing when the cat lets me" thing is getting completely out of hand. I never should have started playing with her with string. Now she nags and nags and nags (cutely, of course) to play with string MORE! Cranking out a couple of paragraphs is possible, but I'll have to get a headset and dictation software to write anything longer again. I'm just lucky she's a benevolent dictator.
    But that's not what I want to talk about. Some years ago, I got the brilliant idea to upgrade this laptop with all the memory it will hold, with the idea of being able to play better games on it. While it did bring the Windows Experience score from 2.3 to 2.7, it didn't exactly allow a lot of better game playing, since I didn't do anything about the graphics driver. But in general, the computer worked better, so it wasn't a total disaster, except...
    When you make a Restore Point in System Protection (they love their capital letters, Microsoft does), it takes a picture of all the memory. Why it would need to do so, I do not know. However, with all this memory, that picture gets to be pretty huge pretty fast. (Why it wouldn't be all the time, I also don't know.) Eventually, the hard drive nearly fills up, as I found it to be last night. All you have to do is turn off "Make a Restore Point" then use a hard drive cleanup program to dump all that crap, then turn it on again.
    But if you don't want to do all that, don't buy the maximum amount of memory that your laptop can hold. Learn from my mistakes! Hell, somebody ought to; I certainly never do!

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