Saturday, June 16, 2012

Facebook oddities

    My Facebook friends list just went up mysteriously by two. When I checked the list, I found two people I was pretty sure had left Facebook. One, a famous person, filmmaker John Sayles, didn't leave, he just went over 5,000 friends, which apparently blows up Facebook, so he was converted from a person to a page and we all became followers. The other non-famous one just left. I clicked on their profile pictures (tipoff: no picture, just the little cartoon man you get until you pick a profile picture) and a message popped up saying that it was an inactive account, that I could unfriend the person if I wanted.
    I just don't see the benefit to anybody. I mean, it's neat that my friends list is two larger. I'm relaxed about the idea of having imaginary friends. I just don't see that it's going to help their stock price having everyone have a slightly bigger friend list. But hey-- Wall Street has been chiseling and ripping us off for centuries; they just might be smarter than me.
    Dreams were even stranger than usual last night. Some guys, including Paul, were going to reconquer the Roman Empire. Apparently, they were going to use a piece of aluminum foil. Also, they were only a few inches tall, since they seemed to be living in something somewhere between a drawer and a kitty litter box, only with a shelf they could hide under. I wish them luck!
    In a brief but photorealistic dream, I looked up the weather forecast on the smart phone and it said the high would be 106. In real life, the weather has been almost unbelievably clement. But that's a dream that's likely to come true all too soon.

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