Friday, June 29, 2012

New horizons in "Boy, I'm an idiot!"

    So after a hundred million brilliant ideas as to why my back hurts, it finally occurred to me that maybe staring down at a laptop computer six inches or more below the level of my head might not be the smartest idea. Back when my back problems were even worse, I got a breakfast-in-bed tray to use for laptop computer use in bed. Then my back got better and the tray got set aside, just keeping some cheap electronics off the floor.
    Big Lots used to sell adjustable platforms for laptops, but now all they have are ones that look a lot like... breakfast-in-bed trays. So I just liberated my own tray and raised up the laptop(s) 6-8 inches or so. And somehow, magically, my back and neck are feeling much, much better. Will it last? Will it turn out to be the next dumb idea? Well, we'll see.
    This is the 500th consecutive daily update. There's no significance to this of course; it's just a cool number.


  1. Congratulations on passing through the 500 post mark!!! Shows tenacity, dedication, and other polysyllabic pluses I just can't think of right now!!! Keep up the good work!!!
    P.S. What's the point of not being anonymous if they still make you prove you're not a robot. Hey, Google, I Got A Name, I ain't a robot!!

  2. "I am not an animal! I am a human being!" PS: Thanks!
