Thursday, June 14, 2012

Moral quandary in the night

    I don't think I've ever before had a dream like that. This guy who looked like Mr. Carlson from WKRP in Cincinnati (or if you've never seen that, think genial, round-faced and balding) told me that he was sure that he could get all the information needed to embezzle a good chunk of money out of a certain company. (In my dreams, apparently it's about 1950 because the information he needed was a letterhead and a signature.) Somehow, I knew what progress he was making (steady) and the moral quandary was whether to tell the company in question.
    Paul and I were at the company in question. For some reason, we were eating candy by the ton. I had decided to tell, but as of the time I woke up I hadn't found anybody to give the information to. Too much candy, probably. I don't think I have too many dreams with a plot. In even bigger strangeness for a person who very rarely remembers images from his dreams, later I dreamed I had a very large translucent big-toe toenail. I mean to the point where when I woke up I really thought I needed to trim my nails until I realized it had been a dream. GOTTA cut back on the chili, obviously.

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