Thursday, March 1, 2012

Free to go

    Dad is leaving the nursing home today. As ever, communication is slightly less than ideal. So I'm standing by waiting for somebody to call to tell me it's time to come pick him and his stuff up and William's standing by waiting for me to call him in turn to come help. As we both have small sedans, neither of us is likely to be able to take everything alone. Since most of Dad's stuff is clothes on hangers, it isn't really workable for us to get his stuff down from the room without help. And they probably would have liability problems with us barging through with armfuls of stuff. So we wait. Probably for hours yet.
    On the brighter side, the morning forecast featured showers; the afternoon sunshine. So it might well be worth the wait. Anyway, hope all goes well, and that he and Margaret are very happy. Her 91st birthday is tomorrow, so she's certainly getting a very special birthday present!
    Noon update: Dad called to say they had started getting his stuff together, but he still wasn't clear when this would finish. Guess I ought to be getting out there.

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