Thursday, March 22, 2012

Squeaky wheel

    Whether it was because the squeaky wheel gets the grease or for some other reason, Dad didn't have to wait a second to go back for dialysis today. This was particularly good because he wasn't feeling particularly chipper. Margaret said he didn't seem to be feeling well; he said he was just sleepy. Hopefully he gets to nap during the ordeal. And hopefully there won't be any complications; Tuesday, after the 30 plus minute wait at the start, he then had to endure a wait to leave because they took out too much fluid and his blood pressure was thus too low. With any kind of luck, nothing of the sort will happen today.
    I am ditching many of my old useless possessions that are just in the way. I threw out a broken cot (the frame obviously patched with duct tape) and a not particularly good, but not broken knee chair. The pickers took the former and left the latter. Go figure.
    Other possessions I'm getting rid of include my many too many pairs of shoes. I'm trying them all out to make sure I don't want them anymore. I notice again and again that nearly every shoe I buy forces me to walk flat-footed. Dr. Scholl helps, but I can't help but think that there is a basic design problem in men's shoes. Of course, I can beat this by focusing on walking on the outsides of my feet. But I don't think walking is something you should have to think about.

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