Friday, March 30, 2012

The little man with the flashlight

    The little man with the flashlight who lives in the refrigerator and turns his light on every time you open the door seems to have some other jobs. I live mostly on stews and I cook enough for several days in advance. To reheat my stew, I usually need to add some fluid so the pan doesn't burn up. I like Kitchen Basics chicken broth best. I set the carton behind the large resealable containers that I keep the stews in.
    Every time I would put the stew container back in the fridge and grab the broth carton behind it, I made it a point to put the stew back where it had been sitting before. When I went back seconds later to put the broth back, the stew had invariably moved back to where the broth goes. (This sentence is a special Bulwer-Lytton award winner for most gratuitous use of the word "back.") Poltergeists! That little man with the flashlight! Gremlins!
    Of course, the stew was just getting knocked back by the closing refrigerator door. (There's that word again!) But it took months or maybe years for me to figure this out. (I thought I must have been putting it down in the wrong place and just wasn't noticing.) Moral of the story: I'm really dumb.

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