Saturday, December 21, 2013

I've lost count already

    Well, it would have been "Sudden burst of common sense, # I've lost count already" since I know I've used that subject line before, but that would have been pretty long and still pretty unclear. (Isn't it?) Anyvay, recently, on a junket to Super Dollar I blogged about (where everybody in the Greater Columbia area should go at least once), I saw steering wheel covers. What I didn't see was the price, so I may be kicking myself later. Thing is, all year my steering wheel has been hurting my hands, such that I actually think I've been stung by some creature when I let the wheel slide through my hands, which of course is after every turn.
    Today, it happened again, and I went "Oh." On the way home from dropping Dad off from dialysis, I stopped in at Family Dollar and looked and they carry them, too. They want $6.50 for one, so if I find out later that Super Dollar is cheaper, I'll kick myself a little. But they have a really pimpin' one that nearly matches my interior, so it'll probably be worth it. I wasn't sure of my approximate literally arm's-length measurements, so I came home to measure, but the lady says they're open 'til 10 so I'll have one shortly. Thus always to getting stung by my steering wheel!

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