Thursday, November 13, 2014

Hey, new dream architecture!

    I've blithered at length before about how so many of my dreams take place in one immense building, like an entire university in one building, also including a mall, parking garage, hotel, etc. Last night, the scene shifted. A series of discrete (or discreet, depending which one's funnier) buildings, all boxy, all made of clear glass. I don't remember what the first two were, but the third one was something like a library with many computer terminals. I was looking for one that was unoccupied and couldn't find one. When I woke up, I was shocked and pleased to have had a dream where I was looking for something and it wasn't a urinal. Sorry, I get so tired of that kind of dream.
    There was also some business where I was outside, walking along the sidewalk and some woman spoke very loudly. I said, "Shut up!" or something like it. It turned out that she was a jogger passing me, and I was very embarrassed. What I can't figure out is under what circumstances it wouldn't have been rude to say that. The real one, I guess: the voice almost certainly came from the old-time radio program I was playing at the time. I guess sleeping me realized it and then dreaming me provided a person for the voice to have come from, and then I was embarrassed for being rude in my sleep. Or some damn thing.
    I saw Dad's new room. It's smaller than his current one, and spend-his-entire-pension expensive. But he can afford it and certainly deserves it. And as I say, it might provide a kick in the butt for him to try harder to get home. Or at least stronger. Let's hope it does.

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