So now that I have all the liquid asset problems defeated, there's nothing left but real estate and probate. Of course, these problems will put all that went before in the shadow. But the thing is, and I've probably said it a hundred times, I'm relaxed about problems that are impossible. It's the difficult ones that throw me, that intimidate me, that freeze me. And I did all of those. Impossible? No problem!
I'm fairly goofy about feeling done with the hard part. The chief problem of course is that I now want to go look at flowers or climb mountains, and I still can't. I actually have to do all the other stuff, no matter how convinced I may be that it'll all fall into place as soon as I wave my wand. Darn it! Should have gone to Hogwarts!
Also my friend who is a wealth adviser delivered the bad news that I'm not actually rich, and I'll either have to continue living like a junkie or go get a job. It was not a major surprise, as I can count and everything, but still a mild disappointment. Still, being able to choose my opening and being able to live off part-time earnings sounds pretty cool. Of course, my plan A of writing a bestseller and recording a big hit single is still more appealing. Well, it's a more realistic plan than becoming a 53-year-old major league rookie! (That was plan B.)
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