Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Love these cats

    I keep saying it. I just keep saying it. And it isn't in hopes of making it true; I DO love these cats. But I have to remind myself because I'm also highly allergic to at least one of them and it's a colossal pain in the-- well, ear, at the moment. I'm waking up with a stopped up right ear, which went away quickly until today, but today it took hours for it to clear up.
    All this means that it would be really wonderful if I could get somebody to take the second and apparently more allergenic cat, but I can't seem to raise much interest. He is truly a lovely, wondrous fellow, with only slight behavior problems which seem to be abating with time. Fundamentally, he is more playful than I am, just like Amelia is. I wish I could place both or each of them with a family or families with children but not small children, but I don't really know anybody like that.
    Fortunately, it's warm out now, and the rotten little fella will probably be spending most of his time outside. And hopefully getting a new HVAC filter will help and changing out the litter boxes will, too. Common sense says that if I'm keeping two cats, I can't really stay in a small apartment. So maybe the hunt starts soon for a small house with neither chimney nor carpet. Heck, maybe someday I an even breathe! It's a thought.

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