Saturday, March 7, 2015

Oh all right!

    I really really was much more productive last week than I had been previously, plus I have the excuse that a couple of new things came up to, uh, give me an excuse to be less productive than I might have been. Still, I spent the majority of my time not doing what I ought to do. Without indulging in a further exercise of whys and wherefores, my actions suggest that I'm looking on all these tasks as an imposition and begrudgingly making time for them in my busy schedule of doing practically nothing.
    However, since I can't get this job off my back without, you know, doing it, it makes most sense just to take it on as if it were, in fact, my job. And anyway, the stuff needs to get done. So (boy, this is hardly worthy of the drum roll), I'm turning the radio off. I spend all my mornings listening to local sports talk radio and the Dan Patrick Show. I tend to try to fit grownup tasks in during commercial breaks. This, clearly, is insane. So I'll take a radio vacation, and get on with things. Or read more. But I'll hope for the former.


  1. Nothing's changed. You're still jisitin; just hard at work avoiding more grown-up work these days.

    1. When they finally start the Pro Jisitin' Tour, I'll be ten times world champion!
