Tuesday, February 14, 2012

16 years, or fun with math

    I'm trying but failing to get amused, pleased or excited by the fact that I'm available for Sadie Hawkins Day for the first time in 16 years. Not that I was in a relationship for 16 years; only seven. It's just that there wasn't a leap year in 2000, so I've had a long Sadie-free stretch. Big number anyway.
    I guess it would be a lot easier to get excited about this if there were any sign that anyone living had any interest in catching or even chasing me. Unfortunately, there is no such sign. Today, Valentine's Day, isn't a big ball of joy, either. Nor is the gloomy weather today helping. I'm hanging together as best I can, and focussing on improving Dad's and Margaret's situation the best I can. Hey, at least they can have a nice Valentine's Day. (I hope. This is also the day he's moving to Assisted Living. Crossing all fingers and toes.)


  1. Welcome to the orchestra section of the "Titanic". I'm playing the cow bell.
