Saturday, February 11, 2012

Still waiting for common sense to break out

    I guess what's making me crazy is that there are no good solutions, and there should be. What Dad needs is a skilled nursing facility three nights a week. The other four days, he could almost live by himself, but for his fading eyesight. Given the number of baby boomers heading for nursing homes and the percentage of those who are diabetic, you'd think somebody would be setting up such facilities. One person could get a room three nights a week, and another with a different dialysis schedule could get it three other nights a week. They wouldn't have to use the same bed; you could trundle a bed for each in and out. Seems like merest common sense to me. (Then again, it seemed like common sense to me to put a dialysis facility in each nursing home, but apparently I was mistaken. Still don't quite understand what the problem with that idea would be.)
    Meanwhile, Dad is at Margaret's for the weekend again. His energy levels were very low as of the time I picked up and delivered him. Hopefully he's feeling better by now. I tried to shorten his walk by pulling into Margaret's driveway, but unfortunately, the way it's terraced he wound up walking around farther than he would have if I hadn't bothered. I try so hard to be nice and helpful, and all I ever do is screw up worse. He wanted to sit down when he got in and almost sat down on nothing but air. We got him to a chair eventually, but this is another indicator that his sight is not what it should be. I hope the rest of the weekend goes better. I may just bring them takeout rather than try to go to lunch.

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