Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Revenue enhancement

    I don't know about anywhere else, but around here, police cars are extremely difficult to recognize from the front. They are well-marked on the sides and back, but from the front they look almost like any other car. The lights on the roof are chromed-up in front and slender, so it just looks like the car has a roof rack. It occurs to me that federal aid to municipalities lately might have taken the form of paying for sneaky police cars to make speeding arrests easier. Thus municipalities would get more ticket revenue. Maybe I'm being cynical. Still seems somewhat underhanded no matter who is paying for them or how.
    My dreams last night featured the kitty. For a being who has been a very important part of my life for a long time (six years), she doesn't show up in my dreams often. I was visiting my dad at the (or a) nursing home, and the kitty was with me. She was a big hit and I was thinking that maybe she should have a litter box there. However, since she didn't, I figured I'd better bring her home. I did, but home (in this case, my dad's house, more or less) was mobbed. First, I had to check the gigantic parcel on the porch. Apparently it was a steampunk stereo. (My waking mind would kill or die for a steampunk stereo, by the way.)
    The steampunk stereo had four hurricane lamp chimneys. (Why? Beats me.) I tried picking them up, then realized that I hadn't gotten my key out, and now couldn't. The mob was annoyed with me for the delay. From the last two nights' dreams we conclude that I'm really missing the crowd that isn't surrounding me, but I'm afraid that they're very annoyed with me.


  1. The Mob is definitely annoyed. Off with your head!! In other news, I thought you were making this up. How creative! It sounds like the kind of thing you dream of when you've eaten too much pepperoni pizza. Then I googled it. The craziest thing was the Steam Punk chair for Professor Xavier. Or maybe you made that up too.....Thanks for being my window into the 21st(?) century.

  2. Steampunk is a lot of fun, if crazy. Somebody posted a picture of a steampunk nerf gun on DU the other day; very silly.

  3. Am late catching many of these entries- and now brain is aswirl with ideas for cog crank handles for tuner adjustment and funky knobs for potentiometers (a word I do NOT get to use enough)!
    As for the police money idea, it is the traffic cameras that municipalities are installign that rack the bux- no police involved. Even when some towns have tried to adjust the timing of the shutter, the companies that install them say "NO"! A friend got a camera ticket recently, and the Florida town was using an AZ company to administer the process- made me sad to think that the money was pertly leaving the place. Megalopolis syndrome, I guess.

  4. I wonder what happens if I hit "Reply" instead of just replying? (Rhetorical question.) We aren't all that sophisticated around here. Though I do notice that every organization I pay bills to does their billing from somewhere else. Closest: Charlotte; furthest away: Jax. Somewhat the same syndrome.
