Thursday, February 2, 2012

Not the LEAST bit stressed out

    So today is the meeting to determine Dad's exit strategy. He really believes he'll be going to stay with Margaret for the weekend for the first time this weekend. I think this is extremely unlikely. On the other hand, we can sign him out for any number of hours either Saturday or Sunday (or both). So this weekend shouldn't be any big issue.
    And there's no big issue between us and the Rice Home. Everybody wants Dad to go home, be with Margaret and be well. The only big issue is that Dad thinks he can restart his life as it was before. And he could. To be more specific, the big issue is why he would want to. He didn't do such a great job with it for a number of years. His movements ground to a halt and his driving was scary and getting scarier. So somehow, we have to persuade him to take it easy on the driving, and not sweat a slow transition to life outside the nursing home.
    It occurs to me that Margaret no longer needs to come visit Dad. Instead I could just check him out on every non-dialysis day and bring him to her house for the afternoon. Which would also get me out of their hair. I love this plan!


  1. His willpower keeps him alive, his desire is important. And so are you.

  2. His willpower is such that I'm just another annoyance getting in his way. But I appreciate the thought!
