Friday, February 3, 2012

Peace in our time

    The care plan meeting went well. Dad eventually agreed to go to Assisted Living for at least a few weeks. And he finally accepted that he wouldn't be driving himself to and from dialysis, that NObody can do this. And we made some progress in getting him to accept that it might be better if he give up driving entirely. I did have to throw Margaret under the bus a bit, by saying that she was the one who said that he shouldn't drive. But she smoothed that over by saying it wasn't a question of his skills but that he can't turn his neck. And she told me later when I tried to apologize to her that that was all right. It WAS the only way to shock him out of the idea of driving.
    He does get to go stay with Margaret all weekend, or anyway all Saturday and Sunday. They are perfectly happy with the idea that I can sign him out every non-dialysis day, so Margaret doesn't necessarily have to come visit any more. I'll start driving him to dialysis and back, too, once he gets to Assisted Living. So it'll be a heavier burden on me for a little while, but I can use some distraction about now.
    There is a solid health reason for him staying, apart from learning how to do dialysis without an ambulance. He's concerned about his shortness of breath, and wants to know if it could have anything to do with any of the medications he's taking. The head of nursing made a note to have the staff doctor see him about it. Hopefully, he can allay Dad's fears.
    So a good day. Yay!

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